Sunday, October 25, 2015

Plastics and food

Yesterday for the first time I saw a catalogue of a famous company producing and selling cooking accessories. And I soon become puzzled. A lot of people fancy these products lately, however everything they produce is made out of plastic.
My family and some of my closest friends are well aware that I have never been a huge fan of plastic packed things. I try not to take a plastic bag in shops if possible. In the beginning my mom even tended to be a bit annoyed by this habit of mine. It seems to me so unsustainable to produce large sets of consumables inside packages that are only seldom reused and produce almost nondegrading waste.
Another question of course is the safety of the plastic packages to people. Though there are plastics with numbers 2 (HDPE), 4 (LDPE) and 5 (PP) that have been considered safe, it is well known that even for these plastics the research has not fully proven their safety. This discussion reminded me of a high-school student’s research on a similar topic.  
Last year in Institute of Chemistry Kerttu Taltsi carried out her student scientific work under supervision of Tõiv Haljasorg. Her topic was leaching of phthalates from plastics with FT-ICR-MS. One of the most considerable finding of this work for our everyday life is that even from plastic no. 5 a detectable amount of plastificators leached into water during 30 days (at 60 °C). She discovered leaching of 3 different phthalates and one previously unidentified plasticizer. The leaching experiment was carried out with pure water. These conditions are not directly comparable to our everyday usage of plastic storing boxes. Usually we do not store one food so long in one box. However often we store food which has low pH and/or warm it up in the micro inside the same plastic box. More information about this research is available from Tõiv Haljasorg.

It seems that more research is needed in the field of safety of plastics though their unsustainability can hardly be argued. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sporty chemists

Most certainly the event of the week has been the Tartu city marathon and more precisely the competition between labs held during this marathon. Our students organized a competition “which lab has the highest participation rate on the city marathon”.

The “event” for our institute actually started even a lot earlier as several people not running on everyday bases started practicing together after the work-school days.

As the race was held on 3 distances 42, 21 and 10 km there was something for everyone. Altogether 57 people from Chemistry Institute took part in this event. Including professors, scientists, and students.

It was quite nice to have that many friends on the track and by the track! Though I had not planned to make another half marathon this year the lab competition brought me to the track and it certainly was a good choice. The weather was awesome and running together with friends was a lot better than I had expected. I was even able to improve my personal best. 
Analytical chemistry group on the Tartu city marathon.